Message Boards Film News & Reviews You are here. The Red Carpet
We Need Your Reviews
Have you worked with the Red Camera yet or found some cool new graphics software you absolutely can't live without? Have you discovered an amazing new technique in After Effects or Final Cut Pro that saves you bundles of time? We'd like to hear about it and share it with the rest of the indie film community. Please submit your articles with any photos or images you may have and we'll publish them right here. The e-mail address is:
This website offers information on independent filmmaking located in Western New York State. Those interested in contacting the individuals or organizations listed must do so directly. Full Circle Studios does not represent the individuals or companies listed, nor derives any income from the contracting of the talent listed, nor should be held responsible for the actions or inactions of the individuals or organizations listed. Information listed is presented as submitted, Full Circle Studios cannot & will not verify or substantiate any information and cannot be held responsible for incorrect infomation. This site is offered as a free community service by Full Circle Studios, LLC.
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Film Buffalo & Western New York
Casting Central
Film Study in Buffalo & Western New York
Gray Effects
Indigo Productions
DC Theatricks
Film in Buffalo & Western New York